General research interests
At a first glance, my research topics are quite heterogeneous, but the projects are linked by two main questions:
How do genotypes and environments affect the behaviour of individuals?
How does the behaviour, in turn, affect individual fitness and the structure and dynamics of populations and communities?
Within this principal conceptual framework, I am particularly interested in:
ecological stability and evolutionary perspectives for speciation of an unusual sexual parasite-host system
ecology and evolution of mating systems, parental care, cooperative breeding and other forms of social behaviour
relationship between genetics, ecological conditions, fitness and proximate mechanisms, e.g. energy budgets,
hormones and communication
To embrace these topics, I use a multi-disciplinary approach that integrates comparative field studies, experiments, genetic and
physiological analyses and mathematical modelling. Depending on the specific question, I study various suitable model species,
mainly fishes, amphibians and birds.
1976, Lake Nakuru, Kenya
1991, Dischma Valley,
2004, University of Zurich, Switzerland