Research Projects
Hemiclonal waterfrogs
Hemiklonale Wasserfrösche
Hoffmann A, Abt Tietje G & Reyer H-U (2015): Spatial behavior in relation to mating systems: movement patterns, nearest
neighbour distances, and mating success in diploid and polyploid frog hybrids (Pelophylax esculentus) Behav. Ecol.
Sociobiol. 69: 501-517.
Hoffmann A, Plötner J, Pruvost NBM, Christiansen DG, Röthlisberger S, Choleva L, Mikulíček P, Cogălniceanu D, Sas-
Kovács I, Shabanov D, Morozov-Leonov S & Reyer H-U (2015): Genetic diversity and distribution patterns of diploid and
polyploid hybrid water frog populations (Pelophylax esculentus complex) across Europe. Mol. Ecol. 24: 4371-4391.
Pruvost NBM, Mikulicek O, Choleva L & Reyer H-U (2015): Contrasting reproductive strategies of triploid hybrid males in
vertebrate mating systems. J. Evol. Biol. 28: 189-204.
Reyer H-U, Arioli-Jakob C & Arioli M (2015): Post-zygotic selection against parental genotypes during larval development
maintains all-hybrid populations of the frog Pelophylax esculentus. BMC Evol. Biol. 15: 131.
Hoffmann A & Reyer H-U (2013): Genomic effects on advertisement call structure in diploid and triploid hybrid water frogs (Anura,
Pelophylax esculentus). BMC Ecology 13: 47.
Pruvost NBM, Hoffmann A & Reyer H-U (2013): Gamete production patters, ploidy, and population genetics reveal evolutionary
significant units in hybrid water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus). Ecol. Evol. 3:2933-2946.
Pruvost NBM, Hollinger, D & Reyer H-U (2013): Genotype-temperature interactions on larval performance shape population
structure in hybridogenetic water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex). Funct. Ecol. 27: 459-471.
Stöhr AC, Hoffmann A, Papp T, Robert N, Pruvost NBM, Reyer H-U & Marschang RE (2013): Long-term study of an infection
with ranaviruses in a group of edible frogs (Pelophylax kl. esculentus) and partial characterization of two viruses based on
four genomic regions. Vet. J. 197: 238-244..
Embrechts E & Reyer H-U (2012): Age and size of hybrid water frogs: The role of genotype and ecology. Herpetologica 68: 468-
Christiansen D & Reyer H-U (2011): Effects of geographic distance, sea bariers and habitat on the genetic structure and diversity
of all-hybrid water frog populations. Heredity 106: 25-36.
Arioli M, Jakob C & Reyer H-U (2010): Genetic diversity in water frog hybrids (Pelophylax esculentus) varies with population
structure and geographic location. Mol. Ecol. 19: 1814–1828.
Christiansen DG, Jakob C, Arioli M, Roethlisberger S. & Reyer H-U (2010): Coexistence of diploid and triploid hybrid water
frogs: population differences persist in the apparent absence of differential survival. BMC Ecology 10: 14.
Jakob C, Arioli M & Reyer H-U (2010): Ploidy composition in all-hybrid frog populations in relation to ecological conditions. Evol.
Ecol. Res. 12: 633-652.
Plötner J, Uzzell T, Beerli P, Cigdem A, Bilgin CC, Haefeli C, Ohst T, Köhler F, Schreiber R, Guex G-D, Litvinchuk SN,
Westaway R, Reyer H-U, Pruvost N & Hotz H (2010): Genetic divergence and evolution of reproductive isolation in
eastern Mediterranean water frogs. In: Glaubrecht (ed.): Evolution in Action, pp. 373-403. Springer, Heidelberg.
Christiansen, DG, Reyer, HU (2009): From clonal to sexual hybrids: genetic recombination via triploids in all-hybrid populations of
water frogs. Evolution 63: 1754-1768.
Vorburger C, Schmeller DS, Hotz H, Guex G-D & Reyer H-U (2009): Masked damage: mutational load in hemiclonal water frogs.
In: Van Dijk P., Martens K., Schoen I. (eds): Lost Sex -- The Evolutionary Biology of Parthenogenesis; pp. 433-446. Springer
Press, Berlin.
Plötner J, Beerli P, Uzzell T, Spolsky C, Ohst T, Litvinchuk SN, Guex G-D, Reyer H-U & Hotz H (2008): Widespread
unidirectional transfer of mitochondrial DNA: a case in western Palearctic water frogs. J. Evol. Biol. 21: 668-681.
Reyer, HU (2008): Mating with the wrong species can be right. Trends Ecol. Evol. 23: 289-292.
Som C, Bagheri HC & Reyer H-U (2007): Mutation accumulation and fitness effects in hybridogenetic populations: a comparison to
sexual and asexual systems. BMC Evol. Biol. 7: 80.
Waelti MO & Reyer H-U (2007): Food supply modifies the trade-off between past and future reproduction in a sexual parasite-host
system (Rana esculenta, R. lessonae). Oecologia 152: 415-424.
Som C & Reyer H-U (2007): Hemiclonal reproduction slows down the speed of Muller's ratchet in the hybridogenetic frog, Rana
esculenta. J. Evol. Biol. 20: 650-660.
Som C & Reyer H-U (2006a): Variation in sex ratio and evolutionary rate of hemiclonal Rana esculenta populations. Evol. Ecol. 20:
Som C & Reyer H-U (2006b): Demography and evolution of pure diploid-triploid waterfrog (Rana esculenta) populations. Evol. Ecol.
Res. 8: 1235-1248.
Abt Tietje G & Reyer H-U (2004): Larval development and recruitment of juveniles in a natural population of Rana lessonae and
Rana esculenta. Copeia 3: 638-646.
Reyer H-U & Bättig I (2004): Identification of reproductive status in female frogs – A quantitative comparison of nine methods.
Herpetologica 60: 349-357.
Reyer H-U, Wälti MO, Bättig I, Altwegg R & Hellriegel B (2004): Low proportions of reproducing hemiclonal females increase the
stability of a sexual parasite-host system (Rana esculenta, Rana lessonae). J. Anim. Ecol. 73: 1089-1101.
Reyer H-U, Niederer B & Hettyey A. (2003): Variation in fertilisation abilities between hemiclonal hybrid and sexual parental males
of sympatric water frogs (Rana lessonae, R. esculenta, R. ridibunda). Behav. Ecol. Sociolbiol. 54: 274-284.
Altwegg R & Reyer H-U (2003): Patterns of natural selection on size at metamorphosis in waterfrogs. Evolution 57: 872-882.
Vorburger C & Reyer H-U (2003): A genetic mechanism of species replacement in European waterfrogs?. Conserv. Gen. 4: 141-
Holenweg Peter A-K, Reyer H-U & Abt Tietje G (2002): Species and sex ratio differences in mixed populations of hybridogenetic
waterfrogs: the influence of pond features. Ecoscience 9: 1-11.
Holenweg Peter A-K, Reyer H-U & Abt Tietje G (2001): Homing behavior of Rana lessonae, R. ridibunda and their hybridogenetic
associate R. esculenta after experimental displacement. Amphibia-Reptilia 22: 475-480.
Engeler B & Reyer H-U (2001): Choosy females and indifferent males: mate choice in mixed populations of the water frogs Rana
lessonae and Rana esculenta. Behav. Ecol. 12: 600-606.
Negovetic S, Anholt BA, Semlitsch RD & Reyer H-U (2001): Specific responses of sexual and hybridogenetic European waterfrog
tadpoles to temperature. Ecology 82: 766-774.
Thurnheer S & Reyer H-U (2001): Spatial distribution and survival rate of waterfrog tadpoles in relation to biotic and abiotic factors.
a field experiment. Amphibia-Reptilia 22: 21-32.
Garner TWJ, Gautschi B, Röthlisberger S & Reyer H-U (2000): A set of CA repeat micro-satellite markers derived from the pool
frog, Rana lessonae. Mol. Ecol. 9: 2173-2175.
Hellriegel B & Reyer H-U (2000): Factors influencing the composition of mixed populations of a hemiclonal hybrid and its sexual
host. J. Evol. Biol. 13: 906-918.
Holenweg A-K & Reyer H-U (2000): Hibernating behavior of Rana lessonae and R. esculenta in their natural habitat. Oecologia 123:
Roesli M & Reyer H-U (2000): Male vocalisation and female choice in the hybridogenetic Rana lessonae/R. esculenta complex.
Anim. Behav. 60: 745-755.
Som C, Anholt BR & Reyer H-U (2000): The effect of assortative mating on the coexistence of a hybridogenetic waterfrog and its
sexual host. Am. Nat. 156: 34-46.
Reyer H-U, Frei G & Som C (1999): Cryptic female choice: frogs reduce clutch size when amplexed by undesired males. Proc. R.
Soc. Lond. B 266: 2101-2107.
Bergen K, Semlitsch RD & Reyer H-U (1997): Hybrid female matings are directly related to the availability of Rana lessonae and
Rana esculenta males in experimental populations. Copeia 1997: 275-283.
Fioramonti E, Semlitsch RD, Reyer H-U & Fent K (1997): Effects of tri-phenyltin and pH on the growth and development of t
adpoles of Rana lessonae and Rana esculenta. Environm. Toxicol. Chem. 16: 1940-1947.
Rist L, Semlitsch RD, Hotz H & Reyer H-U (1997): Feeding behaviour, food consumption, and growth efficiency of tadpoles of the
Rana esculenta complex. Funct. Ecol. 11: 735-742.
Holenweg AK & Reyer H-U (1996): Migration and homing in the hybridogenetic water frog complex (Rana lessonae, R. ridibunda
and R. esculenta). Proceedings of the 5th European Wildlife Telemetry Conference, Strassburg.
Abt G & Reyer H-U (1993): Mate choice and fitness in a hybrid frog: Rana esculenta females prefer Rana lessonae males over their
own. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 32: 221-228.
Semlitsch RD & Reyer H-U (1992a): Modification of anti-predator behaviour in tadpoles by environmental conditioning. J. Anim.
Ecol. 61: 353-360.
Semlitsch RD & Reyer H-U (1992b): Performance of tadpoles from the hybrido-genetic Rana esculenta complex: Interactions with
pond drying and interspecific competition. Evolution 46: 665-676.
Avian mating systems
Paarungssysteme bei Vögeln
Rauter C, Reyer H-U & Bollmann K (2002): Selection through predation, snowfall, and micro-climate on nest-site preference in the
water pipit Anthus spinoletta. Ibis 144: 433-444.
Bollmann K & Reyer H-U (2001): Reproductive success of water pipits in an alpine environment. Condor 103: 510-520.
Pasinelli G, Hegelbach J & Reyer H-U (2001): Spacing behavior of the middle spottet woodpecker in Central Europe. J. Wildlife
Manage. 65: 432-441.
Rauter C, Brodmann PA & Reyer H-U (2000): Provisioning behaviour in relation to food availability and nestling food demand in the
alpine water pipit (Anthus spinoletta). Ardea 88: 81-90.
Rauter C & Reyer H-U (2000): Thermal and energetic consequences of habitat selection in breeding water pipits (Anthus spinoletta).
J. Ornithol. 141: 391-407.
Bollmann K & Reyer H-U (1999): Why does monogamy prevail in the alpine water pipit (Anthus spinoletta)? In: Adams, J. & Slotow,
R.H. (eds.). Proc. 22 Int. Ornithol. Congr., Durban: 2666-2688. Johannesburg: BirdLife South Africa.
Brodmann PA & Reyer H-U (1999): Nestling provisioning in water pipits (Anthus spinoletta): do parents go for specific nutrients or
profitable prey? Oecologia 120: 506-514.
Rehsteiner U, Geisser H & Reyer H-U (1998): Singing and mating success in water pipits: one specific song song element makes
all the difference. Anim. Behav. 55: 1471-1481.
Reyer H-U, Fischer W, Steck P, Nabulon T & Kessler P (1998): Sex-specific nest defense in house sparrows (Passer domesticus)
varies with badge size of males. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 42: 93-99.
Bollmann K, Reyer H-U & Brodmann PA (1997): Territory quality and reproductive success: can alpine water pipits Anthus
spinoletta assess the relationship reliably? Ardea 85: 83-98.
Brodmann PA, Reyer H-U & Baer B (1997): The relative importance of habitat structure and prey characteristics for the foraging
success of water pipits (Anthus spinoletta). Ethology 103: 222-235.
Brodmann PA, Reyer H-U, Bollmann K, Schläpfer A & Rauter C (1997): The importance of food quantity and quality for
reproductive performance in alpine water pipits (Anthus spinoletta). Oecologia 109: 200-208.
Rauter C & Reyer H-U (1997): Incubation pattern and foraging effort of female water pipits (Anthus spinoletta). Ibis 139: 441-446.
Reyer H-U, Bollmann K, Schläpfer AR, Schymainda A & Klecack G (1997): Ecological determinants of extra-pair copulations and
egg dumping in alpine water pipits (Anthus spinoletta). Behav. Ecol. 8: 534-543.
Frey-Roos F, Brodmann PA & Reyer H-U (1995): Relationships between food resources, foraging patterns and reproductive
success in the water pipit. Behav. Ecol. 6: 287-295.
Reyer H-U (1994a): Ecology and evolution of mating systems. Verh. Dtsch Zool. Ges. 1994 87: 97-113.
Cooperative breeding in birds
Kooperative Jungenaufzucht bei Vögeln
Reyer H-U (1993a): Kooperative Jungenaufzucht bei Vögeln. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften-Biologie 6/42: 23-26.
Reyer H-U (1990a): The Pied Kingfisher: Ecological causes and reproductive consequences of cooperative breeding. In:
Cooperative breeding in birds: long-term studies of ecology and behavior (P. Stacey & W. Koenig, eds.), pp.529-557.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reyer H-U (1990b): Die Evolution von kooperativer Jungenaufzucht. In: Evolutionsprozesse im Tierreich (B. Streit, ed.), pp.125-
141. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag.
Reyer H-U (1988): Ökologie und Evolution kooperativer Jungenaufzucht bei Vögeln. Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 81:169-182.
Reyer H-U, Migongo-Bake W & Schmidt L (1988): Field studies and experiments on distribution and foraging of pied and
malachite kingfishers at Lake Nakuru (Kenya). J. Anim. Ecol. 57: 595-610.
Reyer H-U (1986): Breeder-helper-interactions in the pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) reflect the costs and benefits of cooperative
breeding. Behaviour 96: 277-303.
Reyer H-U, Dittami JP & Hall MR (1986): Avian helpers at the nest: Are they psychologically castrated? Ethology 71: 216- 228.
Reyer H-U (1985): Brutpflegehelfer beim Graufischer. In: D. Franck (ed) Verhaltensbiologie, 2. ed., (pp. 277-282). Stuttgart: G.
Thieme Verlag.
Reyer H-U & Westerterp K (1985): Parental energy expenditure: a proximate cause of helper recruitment in the pied kingfisher
(Ceryle rudis). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 17: 363-369.
Reyer H-U (1984a): Investment and relatedness: a cost/benefit analysis of breeding and helping in the pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis).
Anim. Behav. 32: 1163-1178.
Reyer H-U (1984b): The adaptive significance of cooperative breeding in the pied kingfisher (Japanese). Anima 6: 50-55.
Reyer H-U (1982a): Nutzen und Kosten bei brütenden und helfenden Graufischern. Naturw. Rundschau 35, 31-32.
Reyer H-U (1980a): Flexible helper structure as an ecological adaptation in the Pied Kingfisher (Ceryle rudis). Behav. Ecol.
Sociobiol. 6: 219-227.
Reyer H-U (1980b): Sexual dimorphism and cooperative breeding in the striped kingfisher. Ostrich 51, 117-118.
Vocal communication
Akustische Kommunikation
Isack HA & Reyer H-U (1999): Honey guides and honey gatherers: Interspecific communication in a symbiotic relationship. Science
243: 1343-1346.
Reyer H-U & Schmidl D (1988): Helpers have little to laugh about: Group structure and vocalization in the Laughing Kookaburra
Dacelo novaeguineae. Emu 88: 150-160.
Sonnenschein E & Reyer H-U (1984): Biology of the slate-coloured boubou and other bush shrikes. Ostrich 55: 86-96.
Sonnenschein E & Reyer H-U (1983): Mate guarding and other functions of antiphonal duets in the slate- coloured boubou,
Laniarius funebris. Z. Tierpsychol. 63: 112-140.
Other projects
Sonstige Projekte
Sieber Y., Holderegger R, Waser NM, Thomas VFD, Braun S, Erhardt A, Reyer H-U, Wirth LR (2011): Do alpine
plants facilitate each other's pollination? Experiments at a small spatial scale. Acta Oecol. 37: 369-374.
Geisser H, Reyer H-U (2005): The influence of food and temperature on population density of wild boar Sus scrofa in the Thurgau
(Switzerland). J. Zool. 267, 89-96.
Geisser H, Reyer H-U (2004): Eficiacy of hunting, feeding, and fencing to reduce crop damage by wild boars. J. Wildl. Manage. 68:
Barandun J & Reyer H-U (1998): Reproductive ecology of Bombina variegata: Habitat use. Copeia 1998: 497-500.
Barandun J & Reyer H-U (1997a): Reproductive ecology of Bombina variegata: Characterisation of spawning ponds. Amphibia-
Reptilia 18: 143 -153.
Barandun J & Reyer H-U (1997b): Reproductive ecology of Bombina variegata: Development of eggs and larvae. J. Herpetol. 31:
Barandun J, Reyer H-U & Anholt, B. (1997): Reproductive ecology of Bombina variegata: Aspects of life history. Amphibia-Reptilia
18: 347-355.
Von Helversen O & Reyer H-U (1984): Nectar intake and energy expenditure in a flower visiting bat. Oecologia, 63, 178-184.
Dittami JP & Reyer H-U (1984): A factor analysis of seasonal, behavioral, hormonal and body weight changes in adult male
barheaded geese Anser indicus. Behaviour 90 (1-3), 114-124.
Reyer H-U (1977): Role of swim-bladder in vertical movement of fishes (Carassius auratus, Salmo gairdneri, Tilapia mariae). Biol.
Behav. 2: 109-128.
Reyer H-U (1975a): Ursachen und Konsequenzen von Aggressivität bei Etroplus maculatus (Cichlidae, Pisces) – Ein Beitrag zum
Triebproblem. Z. Tierpsychol. 39, 415-454.
Reyer H-U (1975c): Gibt es einen zur Entladung drängenden Aggressionstrieb? Umschau 75, 576-577.
Books, chapters & reviews
Bücher, Kapitel & Übersichtsartikel
Reyer H-U (2011): Alles nur Zufall? Darwins Evolutionstheorie in ihrer heutigen Gestalt. In: Reyer H-U & Schmid-Hempel P (eds):
Darwins langer Arm – Evolutionstheorie heute; pp. 17-36. vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich.
Reyer H-U & Reyer-Sievers H (2011): “Sein Charakter ist ausserordentlich verträglich” – Briefe und Notizen von Charles und Emma
Darwin. In: Reyer H-U & Schmid-Hempel P (eds): Darwins langer Arm – Evolutionstheorie heute; pp. 265-280. vdf
Hochschulverlag, Zürich.
Reyer H-U & Schmid-Hempel P (eds.) (2011): Darwins langer Arm – Evolutionstheorie heute. vdf Hochschul-Verlag, Zürich.
Reyer H-U & Schmid-Hempel P (2009): Erklärungen zum Stammbaum / Explanations Regarding the Tree of Life. In: 200 Jahre
Darwin, 150 Jahre Evolutionstheorie. Ausstellungsführer, pp. 6-29. lifescience Zurich, uzh, ethz, Zurich
Reyer H-U (1999): Von der Arterhaltung zum egoistischen Gen: Grundbegriffe und Konzepte der Evolutionstheorie. In: Kubli E &
Reichardt AK (eds): Konsequenzen der Biologie – Die moderne Biologie und das Verhältnis zwischen Natur- und
Geisteswissenschaften; pp. 5-16. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Schulbuchverlag.
Stichweh R, Reyer H-U & Uszkoreit H (1999): Memorandum zu einem Institut für Evolutionswissenschaft. Suchprozesse für
innovative Fragestellungen in der Wissenschaft, Heft 1; Werner Reimers Stiftung, Bad Homburg.
Reyer H-U (1994b): ‘Do-sido your partner’: Report on the annual conference of the BOU. Ibis 136: 110-112.
Reyer H-U (1993b): Third presentation of the Niko Tinbergen-Förderpreis. Ethology 93: 1-2.
Reyer H-U (1992): Die Arterhaltung ist tot - es lebe die Erhaltung der Arten. Beilage zu “wildtiere” 3/1992: 1-11.
Reyer H-U (1990c): Ökologie - was ist das eigentlich? Beilage zu “wildtiere” 2/1990: 1-8.
(Reprinted / Wiederabdruck in: unizürich, p. 6-9 (1990); Chase Nature 10: 10-16 (1991); Schweizer Tierschutz 4/1992: 32-37.
Wilkinson GS, Clutton-Brock TH, Grafen A, Harvey PH, Howard RD, Linsenmair KE, Poethke HJ, Reyer H-U, Sutherland
WJ, Van Noordwijk AJ, Wade MJ & Wirtz P (1987): The empirical study of sexual selection. In: Bradbury JW & Anderson MB
(eds): Sexual selection: testing the alternatives (pp. 234-245). Chichester: J. Wiley & Sons.
Reyer H-U & Dunn EK (1985a): Ceryle rudis, Pied Kingfisher - Voice. In: Cramp C (ed.), Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle
East and North America, pp. 728-729. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Reyer H-U & Dunn EK (1985b): Halcyon leucocephala, Grey-headed Kingfisher - Social pattern and behaviour. In: Cramp C (ed.),
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North America, pp. 707-708. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Reyer H-U (1984c): Buchbesprechung - Boag D: The Kingfisher / Bezzel E & Pölking F: Kleinod Eisvogel. Zeitschrift für
Tierpsychologie 65: 356-357.
Reyer H-U (1982b): Soziale Strategien und ihre Evolution. Naturw. Rundschau 35, 6-17.
Krebs JR, Bonner JT, Brown JL, Charnov EL, Dichenmann M, McKinney F, Metcalf RA, Olivier TJ, Reyer H-U & Sade DS
(1980): Measuring fitness in social systems. In: Markl H (ed): Evolution of social behavior: Hypotheses and empirical tests, pp.
205-218. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim.
Reyer H-U (1980c): Buchbesprechung - Colgan PW (ed.): Quantitative Ethology. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 52: 315-317.
Reyer H-U (1978): Buchbesprechung - Hazlett BA (ed.): Quantitative Methods in the Study of Animal Behaviour. Zeitschrift für
Tierpsychologie 48: 436-440.
Reyer H-U (1975d): Buchbesprechung - Pilz G & Moesch H: Der Mensch und die Graugans - Eine Kritik an Konrad Lorenz. Umschau
75: 582.
Reyer H-U (1974a): Formen, Ursachen und biologische Bedeutung innerartlicher Aggression bei Tieren. In: K. Immelmann (ed)
Verhaltensforschung (Grzimeks Tierleben) Vol. Bd. 16, (pp. 354-391). München: Kindler.
Reyer H-U (1974b): Mutter-Kind-Beziehungen bei Primaten. der kinderarzt, Heft 5-7
(Reprinted / Wiederabdruck in: T. Hellbrügge (ed) Kindliche Sozialisation und Sozialentwicklung (pp. 15-42). München: Urban
und Schwarzenberg (1975).
Publications / Publikationen
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Research Projects
edited by Reyer H-U
& Schmid-Hempel P
Avian mating systems
Paarungssysteme bei Vögeln
Rauter C, Reyer H-U & Bollmann K (2002): Selection through predation, snowfall, and micro-climate on nest-site preference in the
water pipit Anthus spinoletta. Ibis 144: 433-444.
Bollmann K & Reyer H-U (2001): Reproductive success of water pipits in an alpine environment. Condor 103: 510-520.
Pasinelli G, Hegelbach J & Reyer H-U (2001): Spacing behavior of the middle spottet woodpecker in Central Europe. J. Wildlife
Manage. 65: 432-441.
Rauter C, Brodmann PA & Reyer H-U (2000): Provisioning behaviour in relation to food availability and nestling food demand in the
alpine water pipit (Anthus spinoletta). Ardea 88: 81-90.
Rauter C & Reyer H-U (2000): Thermal and energetic consequences of habitat selection in breeding water pipits (Anthus spinoletta).
J. Ornithol. 141: 391-407.
Bollmann K & Reyer H-U (1999): Why does monogamy prevail in the alpine water pipit (Anthus spinoletta)? In: Adams, J. & Slotow,
R.H. (eds.). Proc. 22 Int. Ornithol. Congr., Durban: 2666-2688. Johannesburg: BirdLife South Africa.
Brodmann PA & Reyer H-U (1999): Nestling provisioning in water pipits (Anthus spinoletta): do parents go for specific nutrients or
profitable prey? Oecologia 120: 506-514.
Rehsteiner U, Geisser H & Reyer H-U (1998): Singing and mating success in water pipits: one specific song song element makes
all the difference. Anim. Behav. 55: 1471-1481.
Reyer H-U, Fischer W, Steck P, Nabulon T & Kessler P (1998): Sex-specific nest defense in house sparrows (Passer domesticus)
varies with badge size of males. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 42: 93-99.
Bollmann K, Reyer H-U & Brodmann PA (1997): Territory quality and reproductive success: can alpine water pipits Anthus
spinoletta assess the relationship reliably? Ardea 85: 83-98.
Brodmann PA, Reyer H-U & Baer B (1997): The relative importance of habitat structure and prey characteristics for the foraging
success of water pipits (Anthus spinoletta). Ethology 103: 222-235.
Brodmann PA, Reyer H-U, Bollmann K, Schläpfer A & Rauter C (1997): The importance of food quantity and quality for
reproductive performance in alpine water pipits (Anthus spinoletta). Oecologia 109: 200-208.
Rauter C & Reyer H-U (1997): Incubation pattern and foraging effort of female water pipits (Anthus spinoletta). Ibis 139: 441-446.
Reyer H-U, Bollmann K, Schläpfer AR, Schymainda A & Klecack G (1997): Ecological determinants of extra-pair copulations and
egg dumping in alpine water pipits (Anthus spinoletta). Behav. Ecol. 8: 534-543.
Frey-Roos F, Brodmann PA & Reyer H-U (1995): Relationships between food resources, foraging patterns and reproductive
success in the water pipit. Behav. Ecol. 6: 287-295.
Reyer H-U (1994a): Ecology and evolution of mating systems. Verh. Dtsch Zool. Ges. 1994 87: 97-113.